They go hand-in-hand with the Autumn leaves, crisp cool air, and the changing landscape. And just ahead are the days of long simmering stews and savory roasts, baked apples and pumpkin pies, apple cider and mulled wine…all comforting and warm to prepare for the long winter ahead.
I love the changing seasons, it’s one of the reasons I’ve lived in Minnesota all my life

This is my favorite sunrise picture. I took it from my upstairs bathroom window in June and it was truly breathtaking. I could barely make it down the stairs fast enough to grab my camera knowing how quickly I could lose the moment. I stood in the bathtub, removed the screen from the window, and proceeded to snap 48 pictures. It was brilliant. Yes, you can see the power-lines as we live in the country, but me…never saw them…all I saw was sheer magical brilliance.
And this morning’s sunrise is no different, though not as brilliant, it brings the same wakening and amazement. It’s the landscape that captures my attention this morning as fog lingers over the ponds with peeks of sunlight breaking the dawn. The ‘bing’ of new emails keeps me in check that today will be a busy one, but these few moments of calm will take me through. I sip my coffee and breathe-in the warm steam of hazelnut-infused java, quietly giving praise to the Lord for his many blessings. I love how quiet the mornings are just before everything comes alive;
slowly, consistently, surely.
I step out onto the deck where the pond is still with barely a ripple allowing the reflection of cattails to shimmer in the morning haze. Our house is situated in a nine-home cudesac surrounded by 80 acres of soybeans and cornstalks. Our builder leases the land to farmers in the area allowing us a peek into their way of life. It’s remarkable to me, this beautiful landscape, having grown up in the suburbs and now living in the country amongst the farmers and their livelihood.
It’s not uncommon to hear Frank Sinatra long before sunrise serenading the neighboring farmer as he prepares for a day in the fields. And although I’m experiencing it all at a distance, I’ve developed a warm appreciation.
I’m pulled back to reality as my phone chimes with the reminder of an 8:00 Web-X meeting. I position myself back inside and begin tapping away on my keyboard. It’s those moments in the morning that keep me going…a little time for reflection and solitude that keeps it all in perspective.
It’s super easy and comes together quickly. Make ahead and store in refrigerator then pop it in the oven just before sitting down for dinner. An hour later you’ll savor the sweet, warm, crunchy goodness with a dollop of vanilla ice cream.

Enjoy a little reflection tomorrow morning….
Enjoy the changing landscape…
Enjoy a little Crumble.
And always enjoy the sunrise.
- 3 apples (I used Braeburn), peeled cored and seeded, chopped into 1″ pieces
- 3 pears, peeled cored and seeded, chopped into 1″ pieces
- 1 Orange, juiced (about 1/4 cup)
- 2 Tbsp cornstarch
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp ginger
- 1/2 tsp nutmeg
- 1 Tbsp butter
- 3/4 cups Pamela’s baking mix or GF all purpose flour
- 3/4 cups GF oats
- 1/3 cup chopped pecans
- 3/4 cup packed light brown sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 6 Tbsp cold butter cut into cubes